arth prabandhan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 100; economy and budget 9 2. 1994 is the year of return to growth, the market adjustment process the economy starting to take its toll 3. A global economy is developed, as reflected in the Universal Exhibitions in 1855 or 1867 4. A restructuring of the economy is therefore necessary 5. After a few months, however, the decline in the economy led to the resignation of Zolotas, and elections were again held in April 1990

Given are the examples of hindi word arth prabandhan usage in english sentences. The examples of arth prabandhan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., economy.

It can thus be understood that the role of a global manager has evolved in much the same way that the global industry and economy have evolved.

But the basic questions of the study of macroeconomics would remain the same and you will find that these are actually the broad economic questions that concern all citizens Will the prices as a whole rise or come down? Is the employment condition of the country as a whole, or of some sectors of the economy, getting better or is it worsening? What would be reasonable indicators to show that the economy is better or worse? What steps, if any, can the State take, or the people ask for, in order to improve the state of the economy? These are the kind of questions that make us think about the health of the country s economy as a whole.
If we observe the economy of a country as a whole it will appear that the output levels of all the goods and services in the economy have a tendency to move together.
If aggregate output level, price level, or employment level, in the different production units of an economy, bear close relationship to each other then the task of analysing the entire economy becomes relatively easy.
Particularly, when these attributes start changing fast, like when prices are going up (in what is called an inflation), or employment and production levels are going down (heading for a depression), the general directions of the movements of these variables for all the individual commodities are usually of the same kind as are seen for the aggregates for the economy as a whole.
We will see below why, sometimes, we also depart from this useful simplification when we realise that the country s economy as a whole may best be seen as composed of distinct sectors.
For certain purposes the interdependence of (or even rivalry between) two sectors of the economy (agriculture and industry, for example) or the relationships between sectors (like the household sector, the business sector and government in a democratic setup) help us understand some things happening to the country s economy much better, than by only looking at the economy as a whole.
For microeconomics the macro (meaning large ) phenomena affecting the economy as a whole, like inflation or unemployment, were either not mentioned or were taken as given.
Macroeconomics tries to address situations facing the economy as a whole.
Macroeconomics tries to address situations facing the economy as a whole.
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